Email Security

Leverage Protection with
Revamp Cybersecurity

Did YOU KNOw: 90% of all cyberattacks start with an email – Protect yourself from email attacks with Revamp Cybersecurity!

Have you ever received, or worse, opened a suspicious email? 

Do all of your devices have protection against malware, spam, and phishing – all common forms of email attack? 

90% of all cyberattacks start with an email. You risk it all when you accidentally open a suspicious email, or accidentally download a file.

Many small businesses and employees don’t have basic email security, so they just cross their fingers that nothing bad happens when they accidently open or click on suspicious emails.

Security Experts

  • Email threats are increasing and getting more sophisticated. It takes experts to keep your business secure. 

Improved Cybersecurity

  • We provide layered defenses for comprehensive protection. 

Cost & Time Savings

  • Less email spam means less time wasted and more productive employees, helping both users and your business. 

Our Solutions

Our full range of products and services doesn’t leave any space for malicious outages.

Email Security

Email Security

Revamp Cybersecurity Spam

Cloud Security

Revamp Cybersecurity Secure

Application Security

Network Security

Network Security

property icon

Device Security

Completed Projects

Quarantine malicious email attachments

We lowered malicious spam and junk marketing emails. 


Prevented spoofing, authenticated email, and approved senders who send emails on behalf of the company.



Email Security Audit

We audited O365 and Gsuite accounts for multiple clients to ensure all settings are secure to ensure the highest security posture. 

Data Security/Prevent Email Theft

Client had employees downloading and forwarding company emails. We assessed situation and history, and setup technical solutions and alerts to prevent and monitor data loss.


“The ROI is more security & fewer interruptions.” – Law Firm

“My users were trained on how to spot phishing emails and we now have additional email security.” – Digital Marketing Company

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